When All Give, All Gain.
Over one hundred years of history and generations of families have helped make East Boston Social Centers what we are today—a place to grow, learn, and connect.

Our Community is Rooted in Joy
We know that when small acts of kindness and care are multiplied, it can strengthen a community. Here at the Social Centers, we brings people together and facilitate strong networks, knowing that each link contributes to a more connected, joyful community.
Our Programs are Intergenerational
Our core services range across educational, social, and recreational programs to support the diverse community of East Boston. We cultivate community, belonging, and joy for all East Boston residents, from before their first birthday to beyond their 100th.
A Place Where Everyone is Family
When you walk through the doors at the Social Centers, we want you to feel at home. We welcome all our neighbors and believe that our community is stronger when we care for and support each other.

Get Involved
Your support helps us to foster a more connected, joyful community for generations to come. From volunteering, to donating supplies, to joining our monthly giving program, there are many ways to support the Social Centers’ mission.

What People Are Saying
“Programs like the ones at the Social Centers are crucial to our community, especially during this pandemic where most children need a safe, clean environment while their parents are working.”
— Early Learners’ Parent
“The passion that the Social Centers have for this work really comes through in so many different ways! The services you provide from early childhood education to senior programs—all those stages are important to someone’s life. The support the Social Centers offer are so important to the community.”
— Sponsor/Supporter