Thank You to Our Supporters
Our generous funders and supporters help us to cultivate community, joy, and belonging in East Boston and provide services and programming to our neighbors of all ages.

AAF Microsystems
Age Strong Elderly Commission
Adrian Madaro Committee
AECOMAFA Protective Systems, Inc.
AJC New England
Alberta Cali
Alex Bossi/ Bossi Sportswear
Allways Health
Alpha Pension Group
Alyson Mollloy Hussey
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Americano Espresso Bar
AmeriCorps Promise Fellow
Amy O'Leary
Andrew Dreyfus
Andrew Firger
Anthony Marmo, North Shore Recreation and Social Center, in honor of Debbi White
ART Payroll
Arlington Advisory Partners
Arthur M. Winn
Audissey Media (Rob Pyles)
Audrey Quackenbush
Avary R.I.G. Inc.
Bank of America
Barbara Gutman
Bay State Financial
Bello Welsh LLP
Ben Vainer
Berman Family Foundation of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
Bill Cass
Bill Squizzero
Blue Cross/Blue Shield of MA
BNY Mellon
Bob Giannino
Boston After School and Beyond
Boston Chamber of Commerce
Boston Children's Hospital Collaboration for Community Health
Boston Foundation
Boston Opportunity Agenda
Boston Planning & Development Agency
Boston Resiliency Fund
Boston School Fund
Boston UPK Grant
Boston University Medical Campus
Bryan Connolly
Bryan Schnittjer
Bulgroup Properties LP
Cabot Risk Strategies
Callahan Construction Management
Campaign to elect Governor Charlie Baker
Capitol Waste
Cerlyn Cantave
CBRE Channel Fish Co.
Charley Glerum & Elizabeth B. Burnett
Charlie Larner
Children's Investment Fund
Children’s Hospital
Chief Justice Ireland
Choose Boston
Christine Feulner
Christopher H. & Catherine W. Milton
Chuck and Susie Longfield
City of Boston Child Care Funds
City of Boston Partner w/Nonprofits
City of Chelsea - Partnership Grants
City of Revere
Coastal Capital
Committee to elect Lt. Governor Karyn E. Polito
Community Care Cooperative
Commonwealth Children's Fund
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Community Benefits Application
Community Teamwork
The Jack Connors Family
Damian Szary
Daniel O'Brien
Dante Alighieri Society
Davis Investment Ventures LLC
Dean Foundation For Little Children
Debra Cave
Dellbrook Construction
Dennis KearneyDePrisco Jewelers
Department of Neighborhood Development Early Education and Out of School Time (EEOST)
Diane Modica
DLA Piper
Donna Charvat
Drago & Toscano, LLP
Drew Company
Downeast Cider House
East Boston Foundation
East Boston Community Development Corp (CDC)
East Boston Neighborhood Health Center
East Boston Savings Bank Charitable Foundation
Eastern Bank Charitable Foundation
Eastern Bank Foundation
Eastern Salt
EB Savings Charitable Foundation
EEC FY22 Workforce Grants
Elderly Title IIIB
Eli Dubinsky Charitable Fund
Elliot Whittier Insurance Services
Enterprise Foundation
Eric Leslie
Fabricio Paes
Felice Siverman
First Financial Trust
Frank Pasciuto
Franklin Square House Foundation
Fred Ritzau
Fmr Gov.William Weld
Foley & Lardner, LLP
George Family Foundation
Gerding Edlen
Goodwin Procter
Goulston and Storrs
Grace Fey Advisors, LLC
Gregory M. Pizzitola
HMS Host
Howard and Myra Cohen
HRIA EOE Summer Camps Grant
HYM Investment Group
Italian American Alliance
Italian American Heritage committee members
Jason Harbes
Jamie & Jessica McDonald
Jason Ruggiero
Jeane O'Keefe
Jesse Purvis
Jessica Giannino
Jessica Shai
Jim & Gloria DeVine and Family
Jim Brett
Jim Cassetta
Joan Crystal, State Street
Joanna Cataldo
Joanne Y. Jaxtimer Consulting
Joey Gaeta
John & Tedi Schwagerl
John Carroll
John Forbes, Sr.
John Hancock
John Hussey
John LaRue & Peter Bethanis
John Mega
John Roch
Joe Ruggiero
Joseph J Corcoran Company
Joseph Tozza
Josh Chalmers
Joy Street Design
Justin & Vanessa Pasquariello
Kathy or Kathleen Millstein
Kearney Donovan & McGee P.C.
Kelly Family Foundation
Kevin Gray
Kiara Alvarez
Kirsten Archer
Kiwanis Club of East Boston
Kraft Family Foundation
Krakoff Family Foundation
K Trust Scholarship Fund
Laura Perille
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Lianna LaMattina
Lilliana Arteaga
Lino Rullo
Lisa Fiandaca
Lisa & Charles Larkin
Liz Page Associates
Liz Bagley
Liz Rockwell
Logan Communications
Lombardo Family
Lombardo’s Loyal Cleaning Solutions
Longfield Family Foundation
Loretta LaRoche
Lydia Edwards, City Councilor
Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
Madeleine Steczynski
Marie Bossi
Marie St. Fleur
Mary Dooley
Mary Jean Moughan
Manny Lopes
Marisa DiPietro
MarketPlace Development
MarketPlace Logan - Bos Shop Dine
Massachusetts Business Roundtable
Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
Massport/Massport Community Summer Jobs
MA PreK-Grade 3 Remote Learning
Mayor's office of Immigrant Advancement
Mayor Marty Walsh Foundation
Metro Credit Union
MGH - Partners Health Care
Michael & Anne Fantozzi
Milhench Supply Company
Mimi & Paul LaCamera
Mintz & Bob Popeo
Nayab Ahmad
Nancy Adams
New England Development
New England Wells Fargo
Nimit Patel
Nixon Peabody
Northeastern University
Novack Family Foundation
Nurtury Early Education
Ocean Havens
Pam Donnaruma - Post Gazette
Patrick Callahan
Patty Daly
Peter Scolaro
Philanthropy Mass/AGM Summer Fund
PNC Bank
PNC Financial Services Group
Primo Fontana
Red Sox Foundation
Redgate - Gate Residential Properties LLC
Redgate Real Estate Advisors
Rep Paul Donato
Reel House
Regina M. Pisa
Related Beal LLC
Rep. Adrian Madaro
Richard and Stephanie A. Dimino
Richard Lynds, Atty
Rick, Stacy, Caitlin and Sean Dimino
Rob Pyles
Robert E. Travaglini
Robert Petrucelli
Representative Jeff Turco
Robert Pasquariello
Rockland Trust
Ronaldo Rauseo-Ricupero
Rubin and Rudman LLP
Ruggiero Family
Salvatore LaMattina
Sandra Caggiano
Santander Bank
Sarah & Jose Muncey
Sappi - Ideas that Matter
Saul Ewing Arnstein & Lehr LLP
Scott Jenkins
Senator Joe Boncore
Shah Family Foundation
Silverman Trykowski Associates
Smith Family Foundation
Speaker Robert DeLeo
Spinellis Function Facility
State Street Corp
Steve M. Holt, Jr
Stephen Tocco, Mintz
Suffolk Cares (Suffolk Construction)
Suffolk University
Susan Covitz
TechPro Services LLC
The Boston Foundation
The Drew Company
The Guild of St. Agnes of Worcester
The O'Keefe Family
The Ruane Family Foundation
The Seville
Toni & Rich Gillis Charitable Giving Fund (c/o Fidelity)
Toshiba Business Solution
Trent Sheppard
Traggorth Companies, LLC
Trinity Financial
Tom and Debbie Tassinari
Tommy Welch
UBS Financial Services
United Way of Mass Bay and Merrimack Valley
Universal Benefits Plan
Vanessa & Justin Pasquariello
Valley Opportunity Council
Wakefield Investments
Wells Fargo
Windy Films--Tripp
Winchester Savings Bank
Work Inc.
Yawkey Foundation
205 Maverick Street LLC