Partnership Events

Mental Health Events

Fundamentos Básicos de la Salud Mental

Miercoles, Febrero 26, 2025 | 6pm - 8pm | Zoom

Este taller tiene como objetivo ayudarte a aprender a manejar tus emociones, superar el estrés y mejorar tu bienestar mental en general para ti y tu familia. También hablaremos de cómo puedes tener una comunidad de apoyo en la que puedas conectarte con otras personas que están pasando por experiencias similares.

Moving Forward Together: Building a Foundation of Support

Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 6pm - 8pm | Zoom

This workshop is designed for parents and caregivers who are just starting out on their behavioral/mental health journey. The goal is to empower families with skills, knowledge, and resources to drive their child’s care, as well as to build capacity to help with relationships and communication with a new group of professionals.

Supporting Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation

Thursday, May 22, 2025 | 1pm - 2pm | Zoom

Supporting the mental health of infants and young children is quite a task. Professionals working in this field need a toolbox of resources within their grasp. In this webinar, professionals providing infant and/or early childhood mental health consultation will have an opportunity to learn about several resources that can support their practice, including many that are free!

Immigration Events

Know your Rights

Friday, February 21, 2025 | 10am | Zoom

This training will cover basic Know Your Rights information, including rights in interactions with immigration enforcement, including when immigration comes to your home or stops you while driving, family preparedness, public charge, where to get legal help, and information on notario fraud and immigration scams.

Konnen Dwa Ou (Know Your Rights Haitian Creole)

Jedi 27 fevriye | 2pm | Zoom

Fòmasyon sa a pral kouvri enfòmasyon debaz Konnen Dwa Ou yo, enkli dwa nan entéraskyson ak ranfòsman imigrasyon, enkli lè imigrasyon vini lakay ou oswa lè w kanpe pandan w ap kondwi, preparasyon fanmi, chaj piblik, ki kote pou jwenn èd legal, ak enfòmasyon sou fwod notè ak frod imigrasyon.

Know Your Rights for K-12 Schools & Educators

Friday, February 14, 2025 | 9:30am - 11am | Zoom

This training is intended for those working in Massachusetts K-12 schools, including teachers, counselors, administrators. It will cover basic Know Your Rights information, rights in interactions with immigration enforcement – including when immigration comes to your home or stops you while driving – family preparedness, public charge, and where to get legal help. We will also review recent guidance to K-12 schools issued by the Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office and review best practices with regard to data sharing, responding to ICE presence or requests for information, and navigating conversations with immigrant students and their families.

Leadership Events

Building Trust in Turbulent Times. Trust's Role in Fostering Collaboration

Tuesday, February 25, 2025 | 4pm | Zoom

In an era of declining trust, leaders following their “North Star” - their convictions and values - have a real opportunity to establish trust in order to deliver for families and children. But values are being tested. Avoiding political and culture wars is a daily challenge for many leaders aiming to create real change. Figuring out how to stay true to their guiding principles while healing and bridging polarization is critical to finding new solutions for families.  

Join Anne Mosle, Vice President at the Aspen Institute and Founder and Executive Director of Ascend, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Vice President of Communications Allyn Brooks-LaSure, in exploring how leaders can build critical trust for radical and impactful collaboration and heal divides by living their values out loud - especially when they are challenged.

Support the Resilience of Families: An Introduction to the Your Journey Together (YJT) Curriculum

Thursday, March 6, 2025 | 1pm - 2pm | Zoom

We invite all adults who support children and families to join us for a resilience-building journey. We will shine a light on the most ordinary ways that we can support and strengthen family resilience.